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ADRENALINE is the secretion of the adrenal medulla (see adrenal glands). Its effect is similar to stimulation of the sympathetic nerv­ous system as occurs when a person is excited, shocked or frightened. In the United States Pharmocopoeia it is known as epinephrine. It is also prepared synthetically. Among its impor­tant effects are raising of the blood pressure, increasing the amount of glucose in the blood, and constricting the smaller blood-vessels.

It has an important use when injected intramuscularly or intravenously in the treat­ment of anaphylaxis, and it may be applied directly to wounds, on gauze or lint, to check haemorrhage. Injected along with some local anaesthetic, it permits painless, bloodless op­erations to be performed on the eye, nose, etc. It is rarely, if ever, used nowadays hypo-dermically and is no longer given to treat asthma. In severe cardiac arrest adrenaline (1 in 10,000) by central intravenous injection

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