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Мы предлагаем удобный сервис для тех, кто хочет купить – продать: земельный участок, дом, квартиру, коммерческую или элитную недвижимость в Крыму. //crimearealestat.ucoz.ru/


AIR PASSAGES These are the nose, phar­ynx or throat (the large cavity behind the nose and mouth), larynx, trachea or windpipe, and bronchi or bronchial tubes. The air, on enter­ing the nose, passes through a high narrow passage on each side, the outer wall of which has three projections (the nasal conchae). It passes down into the pharynx where the food and air passages meet and cross. The larynx lies in front of the lower part of the pharynx and is the organ where the voice is produced (see voice and speech) by aid of the vocal cords. The opening between the cords is called the glottis, and shortly after passing this the air reaches the trachea or wind-pipe.

This leads into the chest and divides above the heart into two bronchi, one of which goes to each lung, in which it splits into finer and finer tubes (see lungs). The larynx is enclosed in two strong cartilages, the thyroid (of which the most projecting part, the Adam's apple, is a promi­nent point on the front of the neck) and the cricoid (which can be felt as a hard ring about an inch below). Beneath this, the trachea, which is stiffened by rings of cartilage, so that it is never closed in any position of the body, can be traced down till it disappears behind the breast­bone.


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