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Мы предлагаем удобный сервис для тех, кто хочет купить – продать: земельный участок, дом, квартиру, коммерческую или элитную недвижимость в Крыму. //crimearealestat.ucoz.ru/


ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME or con­genital adrenal hyperplasia An inherited condition, the adrenogenital syndrome or con­genital adrenal hyperplasia is an uncommon disorder affecting about one baby in 7,500. The condition is present from birth and the victim suffers from various enzyme defects as well as a block on the production of hydrocortisone and aldosterone by the adrenal gland. In girls the syndrome produces virilization of the geni­tal tract, which may become enlarged. The metabolism of salt and water is disturbed causing dehydration, low blood pressure, and loss of weight. Enlargement of the adrenal glands occurs and the affected individual may also develop excessive pigmentation in the skin. Treatment requires replacement of the missing hormones and, if started early, may lead to normal sexual development.


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