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Complementary Medicine Prescription Patterns in Germany

Complementary Medicine Prescription Patterns in Germany

Complementary Medicine Prescription Patterns in Germany

Berthold Schneider, Jürgen Hanisch, Michael Weiser


BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in complementary medicine worldwide and a corresponding need to know how patients and practitioners interact.
OBJECTIVES: A pilot study to chart the use of complementary medications compared with conventional treatments among practitioners and patients in Germany.
METHODS: Comparative analysis of patient’s data from a prospective cohort study of 4,178 patients presenting with chronic as well as acute symptoms by 218 practitioners at 218 centers in all German federal states between 2001-2002. Practices focused on either conventional medicine, complementary medicine, or both. Data were gathered on prescription patterns, treatment satisfaction and compliance, and on the degree of patient involvement in treatment decisions.
RESULTS: Complementary medicine was preferentially prescribed over conventional medicine in patients <18 and >65 years, in women, and in patients with chronic symptoms. Patients receiving complementary medications had on average higher rates of accompanying illnesses, received more preparations, and were more closely involved in the decision process than patients prescribed conventional therapies. The decision to use complementary medicine was based on both the patient's and the practitioner's wishes in 40.8% of cases, compared with 25.8% of cases of conventional therapies. Tolerability and satisfaction with treatment appeared greater with complementary than with conventional therapies.
CONCLUSIONS: Complementary medicine is generally well established in Germany, apparently in a dialogue with conventional medicine. Patients receiving complementary medicine appear to be more closely involved in the decision process and more satisfied with treatments than conventionally treated patients.

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: galinadoctor (12.02.2010)
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